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Used vs New Vehicles in Yonkers

The Advantages of Purchasing Used Cars in Yonkers

used car dealer near bronx

If you’re in Yonkers or the surrounding area and are thinking it’s time to purchase a new vehicle, you might feel tempted to look at one that’s fresh off of the assembly line has the latest and greatest driving assistance features, and thrives on performance. However, your income level is more suited for purchasing a used model. While the thought of a “used vehicle” has a negative connotation attached to it, now is the perfect time to opt for a used vehicle instead of a new one. Here’s why…

More Selection

While you might not be aware of it, there’s currently a worldwide microchip shortage. Because today’s cars are more technologically complex than ever before, the chip shortage has halted production quotas from many of the major manufacturers. They’ll be producing vehicles in much smaller numbers than they have in years prior. As a result, in order to get a vehicle that has many features and is still of remarkable quality, used is the way to go. You’ll have a much larger selection to choose from, as some models currently being built will be fewer and farther between.


There are a lot of factors related to vehicle ownership that can put a strain on a budget. This is especially true for new vehicles, which have more sales tax and require larger insurance premiums. These, on top of routine service and gas prices currently on the rise, mean that new might be a potential money pit. Buying a used vehicle , aside from being cheaper in price, is less expensive to take care of. Sales tax rates are much lower and the cost to insure it will be significantly less than that of a vehicle from the current model year. Consulting Kelly Blue Book will give you an idea of what certain used vehicles go for so you can plan accordingly.


Despite what you might have seen in various TV sitcoms, used cars are not the moving money pits you might think they are. On the contrary, because of the recent increased demand, dealers are only purchasing ones of the highest quality. And because you have the right as a consumer to know the history of any product you plan on purchasing, a dealership can provide you with a detailed history of the vehicle via a Carfax report.

Yonkers Auto Mall

When you need a used car that combines the best of each category we’ve taken a look at, Yonkers Auto Mall has a selection that cannot be rivaled by anyone. We’ll help you through the selection process every step of the way to ensure you make the choice that’s best for you. Visit us online at automallyonkers.com for more information.